USA Hapkido Central Association Martial Arts & Fitness
Experience is everything, and at The USA Hapkido Central Assoication, your experience is completely original to your needs and wants. Our philosophy is to give you the benefits of all types of Martial arts techniques for competition, skill enhancement, conditioning, fitness, including mind, body, and spirit. Just take a look below and you’ll see what we mean.
Beginning Hapkido
Self awareness & Defense
This course offers new students, or ones that are just in need of a refresher, an introduction to these practices for self defense in the traditional style of Hapkido The training focuses on a safe introduction and understanding of how to advance.
Intermediate Hapkido
Angles - Targeting - Striking
After you’re comfortable with the introduction to Hapkido you can move to learning about angles, evasion,and flow of movement, . This training is designed to help you develop more strength, balance, positioning,and flexibility.
Advanced Hapkido
Throws - Continous Flow
This class is more challenging than any other Hapkido classes. We incorporate the art of fluid and powerful movements utilizing joint locks, pressure points, and throwing techniques which are practical and extremely dangerous without previously learned skills which are are designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the art of Hapkido.